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A circular doubly linked list (cdlist in brief) is a doubly linked list where the last node connects the first node. An intrusive cdlist doesn’t invoke heap allocation (aka malloc) in the library code. The Linux kernel famously implements an intrusive cdlist. That implementation is quite long, which hides the rationale behind the code and might be hard to understand even with well-written explanations (e.g. this).

This article gives a much simpler implementation of a basic intrusive cdlist with only push() and pop() operations. The library code only consists of <30 coding lines (named “cdlist.h”):

#pragma once // or use the #ifndef guard
#include <stddef.h> // for offsetof()

typedef struct cl_head_s {
	struct cl_head_s *prev, *next;
} cl_head_t;

static inline void cl_push(cl_head_t **h, cl_head_t *p, int push_back) {
	if (*h) p->prev = *h, p->next = (*h)->next, (*h)->next = p, p->next->prev = p;
	else *h = p, p->prev = p->next = p;
	if (push_back) *h = p;
static inline cl_head_t *cl_pop(cl_head_t **h, int pop_back) {
	cl_head_t *p, *q;
	if (*h == 0) return 0;
	p = pop_back? *h : (*h)->next, q = p->prev;
	if (p == q) *h = 0;
	else q->next = p->next, q->next->prev = q, *h = q;
	return p;

// Given a pointer to a struct member, get the pointer to the struct
#define cl_container_of(ptr, type, mb) ((type*)((char*)(ptr) - offsetof(type, mb)))

This header only implements the topology of a cdlist, but doesn’t specify how to store data. The following “test.c” shows how to use this library:

#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc()
#include <stdio.h>  // for printf()
#include "cdlist.h"

typedef struct { int x; cl_head_t head; } my_elem_t;

static inline my_elem_t *my_elem_create(int x) {
	my_elem_t *p = (my_elem_t*)malloc(sizeof(*p));
	p->x = x;
	return p;

int main(void) {
	cl_head_t *head = 0;
	cl_push(&head, &my_elem_create(3)->head, 1);
	cl_push(&head, &my_elem_create(4)->head, 1);
	cl_push(&head, &my_elem_create(2)->head, 0);
	cl_push(&head, &my_elem_create(5)->head, 1);
	cl_push(&head, &my_elem_create(1)->head, 0);
	while (head) {
		cl_head_t *p = cl_pop(&head, 1);
		my_elem_t *q = cl_container_of(p, my_elem_t, head);
		printf("out: %d\n", q->x);
		free(q); // use code manages memory
	return 0;

Line 5 defines the struct that holds data. It has a “cl_head_t” member variable – the cdlist library “intrudes” the definition of user data types. Line 14 initializes an empty cdlist, which is simply a NULL pointer. Line 15–19 adds data to the list. Notably, we are adding pointers to the “cl_head_t” member variable, not pointers to the data. Then we have a list of “cl_head_t” objects. Line 22 gets a pointer to “my_elem_t” from a pointer to “cl_head_t”. The trick here is that the offset between a struct pointer and a pointer to its member is fixed and can be computed by the offsetof macro.

With this intrusive list, users have to take care of memory allocation. The advantage is this is more flexible. Users may allocate “my_elem_t” objects from heap or stack or freely choose their own allocators. The downside is intrusive lists are harder to use, as users have to manage memory by themselves. To me, this flexibility is more important than convenience. I generally recommend intrusive lists over non-intrusive ones.

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TL;DR: With linear probing, we can delete elements from an open addressing hash table without tombstones. Here are the C and the C++ implementations.


When implementing a hash table based on open addressing, we usually set a tombstone for each deleted element, which indicates a bucket used to have an element. These tombstones maintain proper probe chains in the presence of hash collisions. They are critical to the correctness of open-addressing hash tables. My khash.h and most hash table implementations use tombstones.

However, the tombstone strategy is problematic. These tombstones waste memory and may increase the frequency of expensive rehashing. To alleviate these adverse effects, the FaceBook F14 hash table implements reference-counted tombstones. Such tombstones are removed from the hash table when they are at the end of probe chains. Note that F14 still uses tombstones. It just removes them more effectively.

Deletions without tombstones for linear probing

For a long time, I thought tombstones are inevitable. I was wrong. A recent reddit post pointed out that the wiki linear probing page has already offered a no-tombstone solution for years. The basic idea is not complex: when we delete an element, we move the next element to the deleted location if it is pushed away by the deleted element due to hash collision; we repeat this process until we come to an empty bucket. In C++, this algorithm only takes ~10 lines.

The current wiki page describes the idea well, but it is incomplete –– you can’t implement the algorithm with the description there. Fortunately, Google search directs me to an old StackOverflow answer which gives the correct pseudocode. Unlike F14 or robin-hood hashing, this algorithm doesn’t require any additional storage, not even a single bit.


I implemented the algorithm in a new experimental hash table library khashl.h along with its C++ version khashl.hpp. I started to use Fibonacci hashing and optional hash value caching as are described in my earlier post. It uses one bit per bucket to indicate whether the bucket is empty.


I modified my earlier benchmark to evaluate deletions. The new benchmark feeds each hash table library a list of random integers. We insert an integer if it is absent from the table; we delete an integer if it is already in the table. For the largest dataset, there are 50 million input integers but there are only 6.2 million integers left in the final table. There are plenty of deletions.

The timing and memory of several hash table libraries are shown below:

In the figure, each library is associated with five points corresponding to 10, 18, 26, 34, 42 and 50 million input integers. The red circle line shows khashl, the new implementation. It has lower memory footprint across the board.

Interestingly, khashl is slower than my older khash.h. This may be caused by a combination of two effects. First, due to the presence of tombstones, khash.h has to double the number of buckets, resulting in fewer collisions. It implicitly trades memory for speed. Second, khashl may need to move multiple elements upon a deletion. Copying buckets can be slow. That said, the new deletion algorithm is only a little slower than khash.h and is faster than many other libraries for this particular task. It might also become faster than khash under a different payload (e.g. large batch of deletions). In addition, khashl has simpler insertion. It is faster than khash even if no deletions are involved.


Considering the clear advantage in memory, I think the new deletion algorithm without tombstones is overall better than traditional algorithms. It should become the preferred way to implement hash tables. I am surprised that I only found this algorithm a couple of days ago.

Appendix: comments on other libraries

  • I am only showing fast libraries in the plot. Adding slow libraries will squeeze all the current points into a corner, making them harder to see.
  • Many libraries are also evaluated in another benchmark.
  • Abseil/absl hash map was not very impressive in my earlier benchmark, but the recent version seems better.
  • phmap is largely a more portable version of older Abseil hash map. It is not as fast as Abseil nowadays.
  • Consistent with the other benchmark, emilib is the fastest on inserting 32-bit integers. It implements a relatively simple hash table with linear probing. Emilib is faster than khashl possibly because 1) it uses a small load factor of 67% (vs 75% with khashl) and 2) it puts the empty/deleted bits inside each bucket, which may help cache efficiency. Emilib is very slow on deletions. I am not sure why.

Update on 2019-12-28: added absl::flat_hash_map and removed the rant about Abseil.

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One of the most frustrating experiences with Julia is that many tutorials you find online don’t work any more because the language has changed so much. Creating a new package is one of the most fundamental tasks to a language, but it took me quite a while to figure that out. In the end, I managed to submit Getopt to Julia’s central registry. It implements a Python-like getopt in 70 lines, much shorter than ArgParse.jl.

This blog post explains what I have learned in this process. Here, a line starting with “sh>” indicates a shell command line, “julia>” denotes the Julia REPL and “pkg>” denotes the pkg mode, which can be entered by typing “]” in REPL.

Creating a package

To create a package repository, you may:

sh> julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.generate("Foo")' # or in the pkg mode
sh> mv Foo Foo.jl
sh> cd Foo.jl

The first command line creates a “Foo” directory, a “Foo/src/Foo.jl” file and a “Project.toml” file. We renamed this directory to “Foo.jl” because this is the convention. In the “Foo.jl” directory, you can add dependencies with

(v1.0) pkg> activate .                # enter virtual environment
(Foo) pkg> add Test                   # module for unit tests
sh> rm Manifest.toml                  # we don't need this
sh> echo 'julia 1.0' > REQUIRE        # but we need this
sh> mkdir -p test && touch test/runtests.jl  # tests go here

This updates the “[deps]” section of “Project.toml”. You probably need the “Test” package because apparently without it, you can’t run tests for your new package. Now, you can edit “Foo.jl/src/Foo.jl” to write the actual library code. Remember to read the documentation on Modules.

Deploying the package

You can’t import “Foo” yet because your new package is not added to your local registry. In the “Foo.jl” directory, you have to run the following first

(v1.0) pkg> dev .

It is always a good idea to write tests. To do that, edit “test/runtests.jl” following the tutorial on Unit Test. My Getopt.jl test is here. It is not a good example but may give you a basic idea. Tests can be run with

(v1.0) pkg> test Foo

Registering the package

After you push “Foo.jl” to github, others can install your package with

sh> julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("https://github.com/your/Foo.jl")'

They can’t install with the package name because it is not in Julia’s central registry yet. To register your package, you’d better use attobot, a GitHub App that automatically sends pull requests to METADATA.jl. For a new package, it asks you to wait for three days. Someone else (I guess a human) will merge the PR, which will be automatically synchronized to the Julia registry after several hours. At this point, the world will be able to install your package with

sh> julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("Foo")'

Your package won’t be found in the Julia package list because that page is outdated. Julia doesn’t have built-in package search. The best place to discover packages seems Julia Observer. It has issues, too. For example, it doesn’t tell you which Julia versions a package supports. It is very slow.

Concluding remarks

Getopt is the first package I developed in Julia. The workflow described here might not be optimal. I will update this post once I learn a better solution.

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TL;DR: The code is available in klib/kavl.h with a toy example in comments and at the end of this post. kavl_test.c tests correctness. Insertion performance is evaluated separately.


I need a container which, upon each insertion, tells me the number of smaller objects than the inserted one. A natural choice is a binary search tree. We store at each node the number of objects descended from the node. On insertion, we sum over numbers on nodes immediately left to the search path to find the answer. This algorithm sounds easy but is not implemented in existing libraries. In addition, I also want to learn how AVL tree and intrusive containers work down to every detail. So, here we go.


An intrusive container is a container that requires each object in it to have one or multiple predefined member variables. Such a container intrudes the object definition – this is how it is named.

Implementation overview

kavl.h is broadly similar to khash.h. It requires you to expand a macro to insert the actual implementation into your code before using it. As an intrusive container, kavl.h doesn’t call the malloc() equivalent inside the library. In fact, it doesn’t even depend on libc. Like my other container implementations, kavl.h strives for performance. It avoids recursion, and doesn’t keep a pointer to the parent node – this saves space at the cost of code complexity.

A popular way to implement intrusive containers is to use offsetof, as is described in this blog post. This strategy avoids all the macro magic, but makes it impossible to inline simple comparisons. It is less efficient.

The advantage of intrusive containers

A non-intrusive container allocates memory inside the library. It is non-trivial (if possible at all) to replace the allocator used in the library. A true intrusive container lets you allocate memory in whatever way you prefer. You can opt to a custom heap allocator, a memory pool or even allocate on stack, which may help performance a little if used correctly.

In addition, when storing strings or other variable-length data, an intrusive tree/list may reduce one heap allocation per node. In case of kavl.h, you can define a tree node with a flexible array member:

struct my_node {
    int len;
    KAVL_HEAD(struct my_node) head;
    char str[];

This way, you can allocate the node along with the string, which again may help performance.

The disadvantage

With an intrusive container, you have to take care of all memory management. This is inconvenient and opens doors to potential memory leaks. At least in C, the APIs of intrusive containers are less intuitive and harder to understand, requiring users to have a deeper knowledge in language features.

The myth

The Boost library argues that intrusive containers are faster with less stress on memory management. They tried to prove this with a benchmark. That goes a little too far. Intrusive lists shine there mainly because their programs “allocate” list nodes from a pre-allocated vector. In practice, we still have to allocate each node individually on heap when deletions are involved or when we can’t preallocate all nodes. Intrusive containers can be faster, but most often they are not. Even when they are faster, the performance gap is small.

It is believed among C programmers that intrusive data structures are a great way to achieve generic programming. This is only partially true. First, of common containers, only lists and binary search trees (BSTs) can be made truly intrusive in the sense that they need no heap allocation inside the libraries. Dynamic chaining-based hash tables still have to allocate the bucket array on heap, and they are often slower than open-addressing hash tables and should be avoided anyway. Second, only intrusive lists, the least useful data structure, can be implemented efficiently without ugly macros everywhere. For BSTs, we still have to use the macro magic to achieve the performance of type-specific code. Intrusive containers are not a general solution to generic programming in C.


To most developers, non-intrusive containers are the better choice. However, when you implement a memory allocator or when you micro-manage memory for the best performance, you will appreciate the flexibility of intrusive containers. Combined with a simple memory pool, kavl.h does speed up my program in the end.

Code example

The following implements the AVL tree example on wiki.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "kavl.h"

struct my_node {
    char key;
    KAVL_HEAD(struct my_node) head;
#define my_cmp(p, q) (((q)->key < (p)->key) - ((p)->key < (q)->key))
KAVL_INIT(my, struct my_node, head, my_cmp)

int main(void) {
    const char *str = "MNOLKQOPHIA"; // from wiki, except a duplicate
    struct my_node *root = 0;
    int i, l = strlen(str);
    for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {        // insert in the input order
        struct my_node *q, *p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
        p->key = str[i];
        q = kavl_insert(my, &root, p, 0);
        if (p != q) free(p);         // if already present, free
    kavl_itr_t(my) itr;
    kavl_itr_first(my, root, &itr);  // place at first
    do {                             // traverse
        const struct my_node *p = kavl_at(&itr);
        free((void*)p);              // free node
    } while (kavl_itr_next(my, &itr));
    return 0;

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Update on 2018-09-29: updated ska::flat_hash_map and tsl::hopscotch_map to the latest versions. Added absl::flat_hash_map, ska::bytell_hash_map and tsl::robin_map. Updated texts accordingly.

I evaluated multiple hash table libraries nearly 10 years ago. A lot have been changed since then: hash table is officially part of C++, my khash library is about twice as fast, and more advanced algorithms/heuristics are being applied to hash table implementations. Where are we now? Is unordered_map in C++11 the preferred choice? What hash table library should we use? This post aims to find partial answers to these questions.

In this micro-benchmark (source code here), we have N 32-bit integers with ~25% of them are distinct. The task is to find the occurrence of each distinct integer with a hash table. It is inspired by real applications in my routine work. I will show the result first and then discuss all the caveats.


In the figure above, each connected line represents a library. Each line harbors 6 dots, corresponding to N=10,18,26,34,42,50 million, respectively. I used multiple numbers to show the effect of rehashing. The X-axis measures CPU time and Y-axis measures peak memory, including temporary swapping space used for rehashing.

10 years ago, Google’s dense_hash_map was significantly faster than all the peers. It is still among the fastest in this benchmark. When we consider the speed-memory balance, the more sophisticated probing algorithms such as Hopscotch hashing (used by tsl::hopscotch-map), Robin Hood hashing (by ska::flat_hash_map and tsl::robin_map) and Swiss table (by absl::flat_hash_map) are not better. I speculate this is partially because they need to store extra data in each bucket, which cancels some of their advantages under high load. In addition, these advanced hashing methods are better at query. My benchmark always invokes insertions, though 75% of time no new elements are added.

It bugs me that the official unordered_map implementation in GCC-6.3 is that inefficient. In fact, it is slower and uses more memory than SGI’s ancient ext/hash_map and tr1/unordered_map – both of them are still available in GCC. All these libraries use chaining to resolve collisions, which is apparently required by the C++11 spec. It is unfortunate that the C++ standard committee ruled out open addressing. Nearly all the hash table benchmarks indicate open addressing is significantly faster on small keys. As to C libraries, uthash is the most popular, but its performance lags far behind others. When you need a large hash table, ska::*_hash_map and tsl::*_map are the better choices if you prefer C++11 APIs; Google dense_hash and khash remain top options after 10 years.

Additional notes:

  • All implementations use the same integer hash function. Switching to the identity hash function has little effect on performance.
  • I haven’t tuned the maximum load factor and the growth factor. They may affect the balance between time and space.
  • Libraries in the benchmark use different memory allocators. For example, khash uses glibc’s malloc that supports realloc, unordered_map naturally uses std::allocator and Google dense_map/sparsepp are using their own allocators. I suspect that memory allocators play a role in performance. More testing needed.
  • There are several other hashtable benchmarks about tsl::*_map, ska::flat_hash_map and ska::bytell_hash_map. These are all good. TommyDS shows a benchmark where it performs the best. That is a bad one because it doesn’t put data into the table (as TommyDS can’t do that). Opic hashtable also has a benchmark. It seems to ignore the effect of rehashing. I thought to evaluate it but couldn’t get it working.
  • The source code repo evaluates several more libraries. Their results can be found in “__logs/*.tgz”.
  • For demonstration purposes, I have translated khash.h to a C++ single header. Khash implements a fairly naive algorithm. It may not work well with other types of data.
  • Benchmark programs were run on a fresh “standard-1” machine from Google Cloud. The results on a local Linux server are a little different:


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On CPU dispatch

Modern x86 CPUs implement advanced instruction sets, such as SSE and AVX, which may greatly help performance. However, when distributing precompiled binaries (think about Debian, CentOS, AnaConda, etc), we often prefer to fall back on older instruction sets for the sake of portability. Is there a way to dynamically choose CPU instruction sets at runtime such that we can achieve performance and portability at the same time? Yes, the answer is CPU dispatch. For a program that supports CPU dispatch, we typically compile it on a recent CPU to generate a fat(ish) binary that contains multiple implementations of a function or a code block with different instruction sets. When we run, the program dynamically chooses internal implementations based on the CPU features. I first heard of “CPU dispatch” from an Intel developer a few years ago. Unfortunately, googling “CPU dispatch” does not give me much relevant information immediately even today. This post aims to briefly explain the strategies to implement CPU dispatch in C/C++.

On x86, my preferred way to implement CPU dispatch is to detect the supported SIMD instruction sets via CPUID, which can be retrieved with x86 assembly, or with the __cpuid intrinsics specific to MS VC++. The following shows an example.

#include <stdio.h>

#define SIMD_SSE     0x1
#define SIMD_SSE2    0x2
#define SIMD_SSE3    0x4
#define SIMD_SSE4_1  0x8
#define SIMD_SSE4_2  0x10
#define SIMD_AVX     0x20
#define SIMD_AVX2    0x40
#define SIMD_AVX512F 0x80

unsigned x86_simd(void) {
  unsigned eax, ebx, ecx, edx, flag = 0;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
  int cpuid[4];
  __cpuid(cpuid, 1);
  eax = cpuid[0], ebx = cpuid[1], ecx = cpuid[2], edx = cpuid[3];
  asm volatile("cpuid" : "=a" (eax), "=b" (ebx), "=c" (ecx), "=d" (edx) : "a" (1));
  if (edx>>25&1) flag |= SIMD_SSE;
  if (edx>>26&1) flag |= SIMD_SSE2;
  if (ecx>>0 &1) flag |= SIMD_SSE3;
  if (ecx>>19&1) flag |= SIMD_SSE4_1;
  if (ecx>>20&1) flag |= SIMD_SSE4_2;
  if (ecx>>28&1) flag |= SIMD_AVX;
  if (ebx>>5 &1) flag |= SIMD_AVX2;
  if (ebx>>16&1) flag |= SIMD_AVX512F;
  return flag;
int main() {
  printf("%x\n", x86_simd());
  return 0;

It is known to work with gcc-4.4, icc-15.0, clang-8.0 and msvc-14.0, fairly portable.

The second way is to use a GCC built-in: __builtin_cpu_supports(). This function tests if CPU the program is running on supports certain instruction sets. It is a new function only available to recent C compilers. I can confirm it is working with gcc-4.9 on Linux and clang-8.1.0 on Mac. Clang-8.0.0 has this built-in but is buggy: it compiles but can’t link. Intel C compiler (ICC) v15.0 has a similar problem. MS VC++ doesn’t support this function. The IBM compiler appears to has a similar built-in, though it only tests Power-related instruction sets. On x86, this second approach is simpler but less portable.

Icc has a similar built-in with an interesting name: _may_i_use_cpu_feature(). Icc alternatively allows to creates multiple versions of a function with a compiler extension __declspec(cpu_dispatch()). Gcc-4.8+ has a similar feature, though for C++ only. I don’t like these methods because they are not portable at all.

By the way, there were some interesting discussions on supporting CPU dispatch in the C++ standard. The thread covers serval strategies mentioned here. It went down, though.

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What is KANN?

See the GitHub repo page. In short, KANN is a flexible 4-file deep learning library, supporting convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and non-standard topologies addressable with differentiable computation graphs.

Why a new library?

The initial motivation is that I wanted to understand how deep learning frameworks work, down to the very details. The best way is to implement one by myself. After I got the basic working, I realized the code may be of use to other C/C++ programmers who prefer an efficient and flexible library without carrying all the non-trivial dependencies of mainstream frameworks. So, here we go.

Comparison to other deep learning frameworks

Theano and Tensorflow, with a code base many times larger than KANN, are definitely more powerful than KANN. Importantly, they can take the advantage of GPUs and even distributed computing, while KANN not. On the other hand, KANN comes close in flexibility and can be faster in the multi-threading mode for CPU-only training. KANN also has no extra dependencies by default, which makes it easy to deploy.

Tiny-dnn is a popular lightweight framework in C++. Importing pre-trained Caffe models is its particular strength that KANN lacks. However, tiny-dnn does not support RNNs and has difficulties in constructing non-standard model (e.g. variational autoencoder). It is several times slower than KANN and mainstream frameworks. Tiny-dnn also requires a C++11 compiler, which is not available everywhere yet (e.g. on CentOS 6).


KANN does not support GPU right now. For MLPs and RNNs with no more than a couple of hundred hidden neurons, multi-threaded KANN is actually no slower than GPU-based implementations, because small matrix multiplications have not saturated the capacity of GPU yet. However, for CNNs and large RNNs, I have seen GPU-based implementations outperforming KANN by a factor of 5. The performance gap is probably larger with bigger networks.

KANN lacks some important operators, such as batch normalization (BN). A direct implementation of the original BN method is tricky as training needs an extra step different from normal training. It seems that Caffe et al are implementing a variant of BN with running average, but I am not so sure.

KANN does not support bidirectional RNNs and seq2seq models out of box. In principle, these models can be constructed with KANN by manually chaining RNN blocks, but I have not tried.


If you are looking for a tiny, standalone, performant, open source library in C/C++ that supports common components including MLP, CNN and RNN, and has the flexibility and extensibility close to mainstream deep learning frameworks, KANN might be your only viable choice as of now.

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The best solution is pdftops from Poppler, a somewhat successor of xpdf (see also this article). It preserves the fonts in PDF and produces a small and proper vector graph. To compile poppler on OSX 10.9, I need to edit “configure” and remove compiling option “-fno-check-new” as clang does not support this option.

Following the answer from this page, I have also tried a few other options. InkScape generates a small vector EPS, but it loses some features. Convert from ImageMagick outputs a bitmap EPS, which defeats the goal of vector graphs.

Interestingly, directly using the “gs” command from GhostScript seems to generate a vector EPS, but using the pdf2ps script produces an EPS with bitmap fonts. It turns out that the difference is caused by “-dNOCACHE”, which is surprising. Anyway, even though “gs” works, it generates a much larger EPS in comparison to pdftops. The winner is still pdftops from xpdf/poppler, at least in my case.

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Gv apparently calls pkg-config during configuration. When pkg-config or the pkg-config file for Xaw3D is not found, it will fall back to another configuration which does not work on Mac.

As Mac does not come with pkg-config by default, you need to first install it. You also need to specify where to find the pkg-config file for Xaw3D:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/X11/lib/pkgconfig/
./configure --x-includes=/usr/X11/include/ --x-libraries=/usr/X11/lib/ --enable-SIGCHLD-fallback

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Several years ago I implemented knetfile for accessing remote files on ftp and http as if they are local (see also this blog post). I have been using the implementation for a while and the end users like the feature. However, with the increasing use of https among file sharing and cloud computing providers, supporting secured connection becomes more important. Several users have requested this feature. As a response, I implemented a new library kurl on top of libcurl.

Kurl is inspired by and learns from fopen.c, an example from the curl source code package. It supports random access and uses fixed-length buffer. It also fixes an issue where we may be waiting too long for select(). The APIs largely resemble knetfile, zlib and stdio. The following is a small example:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "kurl.h"
int main() {
  kurl_t *fp;
  unsigned char buf[256];
  fp = kurl_open("https://github.com", 0);
  kurl_seek(fp, 100, SEEK_SET);
  kurl_read(fp, buf, 256);
  return 0;

In addition, kurl.c also comes with a simple main() function to achieve the basic curl functionality, which can be compiled with:

gcc -g -Wall -O2 -lcurl -DKURL_MAIN kurl.c -o kurl

Here are a little more details about kurl:

  • Two-file library. No installation.
  • The only dependency is libcurl, though libcurl may further depend on other libraries: e.g. openssl for https; libssh2 for sftp.
  • Directly accesses files in S3 with
    kurl_open("s3://bucket/object", 0)

    AWS credentials are either provided to kurl_open(), or by default read from ~/.awssecret (AccessKeyId and SecretKey on two lines; see Tim Kay’s aws tool for details).

  • Compilable with C++ compilers.
  • Buffered reading with a fixed buffer length. No potential buffer bloat.

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